Sunday, September 05, 2004

The Hikone Dance Festival

From Otsu, I traveled by train to my final destination...Hikone. Hikone is located in the Shiga prefecture. It is basically right in the middle of Japan on the main island of Honshu. Hikone is also near the largest inland lake in Japan...Lake Biwa. During my first week in Hikone, I was invited to partake in the Hikone Dance Festival. I was given a green robe and a paper fan. I was also instructed to select a mask. I chose Hello Kitty of course. :) I then proceeded to dance on the streets of Hikone repeating a simple dance number. It was amazing to me that within a weeks time I was 1.) in Japan and 2.) was not only able to view some of the Japanese culture, but that I was actually participating in it!


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