Sunday, August 29, 2004

I made it!

Well after a thirteen hour flight and never seeing the sun set, I finally arrived in Tokyo, Japan on August 1st.


At August 29, 2004 at 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so good to see that you are doing well. I just thought I would write to say hello. I'm all set up in NYC and have been here for the past week. It's tough just because I don't know anyone yet and the Republican National Convention is taking over this upcoming week. ugh. But I love my program so thats good. Anyways. I'm gonna keep checking up on you. I miss you guys! Much Love - Janine
p.s. I have a online journal as well. If you want to keep up with me. :)

At September 2, 2004 at 10:41 PM, Blogger Colette said...

Hi J9,

Your blog won't let me post so I will just respond right here:

Don't worry about the whole housing situation. I know it will all work out. Just think how crazy it was to move into 815 Packard not knowing a single roommate. In the end, it brought the whole house that much closer just from you living there. Well, it looks like you are enjoying yourself in NY. I am enjoying myself here in Japan. Ganbatte (Good luck in Japanese :) ) with classes.

Miss you,


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