Monday, March 21, 2005

Todai-ji Temple

I visited Todai-ji Temple in Nara. This temple houses the worlds largest Buddha statue. It's 53 feet tall! Todai-ji Temple was completed in 752 when Emperor Shomyo ordered a temple to be built in order to house a Great Buddha statue. This was done so that Nara, once the capital of Japan, could become a powerful center of Buddhism.
Also in Nara are the crazy ass deer. Apparently, deer are "messengers of the gods." They roam all over the city. I'm not even kidding you. They cross the street, walk on the sidewalks, crap all over the place, and are always looking for food. Sure they give you crackers to feed them, but I wouldn't advise it. Yeah I tried doing it. So I was trying to be all nice and decided to feed them. While I was taking off the paper from the crackers (cause I didn't want them to eat the paper) the deer just started attacking me. One deer literally bit my ass while the others swarmed me. Needless to say, I just dropped the crackers and ran. At that point, I didn't care if they ate the paper or not. It all happened so fast that John couldn't even record it on my camera. He was also laughing so hard. So if you ever decide to go to Nara, DO NOT FEED THE DEER. You have been forewarned.


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