Monday, March 21, 2005

Hiking with Kouchou Sensei

Once my principal (kouchou sensei) found out that I like to do lots of outdoor activities, he invited me go hiking with him and his wife. On Halloween day, I got to go hiking with them. He picked me up bright and early that morning and we drove for about two hours. When we got to our destination, my principal was kind enough to provide me with hiking boots, stick, waterproof gear, and even a bear bell. We spent a majority of the day hiking up two mountains: Mt. Kunimi dake and Mt. Gozaisyo. We also went to an animal farm that was on the premises. After a day of hiking, I was invited over to his house to have dinner with him and his family. We had sukiyaki which is oishii! I was also able to meet one of his daughters and his granddaughter Kanon. She's two years old and was also extremely terrified of me. I don't think she had ever seen a foreigner before. She cried for a long time when I was there. Eventually, however, she began to open up and by the time dinner was finished she was showing me her books and pointing at all this stuff while speaking in Japanese. I had no clue what she was saying, but at least she wasn't crying anymore. She even gave me one of her Anpanman figures to take home with me. How kawaii!!


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