Saturday, December 04, 2004

Cultural Festival

In October, my students had a Cultural Festival. It is basically like a big talent show where everyone participates. For two weeks, classes were shortened so that students could work on their skits, dance routines, and practice their instruments. On the actual festival day, students only had to go to their classes for half the day. The other half was devoted to the students' performances. At Inae Junior High School, an entire school day was devoted to this festival. That meant less classes I had to teach and more performances I could watch so it was okay by me. The Cultural Festival is also like a big open house so parents came to videotape their son or daughter and student's artwork and other projects were displayed throughout the school. During lunch, games and other activities were played. I preferred to watch the student's dance routines because I couldn't always understand the plays since they were in Japanese. However, I did get to see the Japanese version of Beauty and the Beast. :)


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